23 Things I Wish I Could Ask My Mom and Dad Today

23 Things I Wish I Could Ask My Mom and Dad Today

Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas Quiz (11/20)

500² - 50² - x = 4x

Tentukan Nilai x

Note : ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡

Quiz (11/20)

500² - 50² - x = 4x

Tentukan Nilai x

Note : ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡


500² - 50² - x = 4x

(500 - 50) × (500 + 50) - x = 4x

450 × 550 - x = 4x

247.500 - x = 4x

- x = 4x - 247.500

- x - 4x = 247.500

- 5x = - 247.500

x = - 247.500 ÷ (-5)

x = 247.500 ÷ 5

x = 49.500

#maaf kalau salah

→ 500² - 50² - x = 4x

→ 250.000 - 2.500 = 4x + x

→ 247.500 = 5x

→ 5x = 247.500

→ x = 49.500

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